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  If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail
Anita Adams retired from a career in newspaper advertising at five different newspapers, followed by a second career as a Meat/Food Inspector for the State of California and Southwest Airlines. Always a Pollyanna, she always knew tomorrow would be better! But sometimes tomorrow took a long time.

A New Year! A time to refresh and renew. What shoulda, woulda, coulda've I done last year that I did not make happen? Well, here's a clean slate; what will I fill my days with for the next 365 days?

As I look outside on this cold and foggy day, I feel isolated by the dreary day. A whole day for me to spend as I like! But how can I spend this day so that, by the end of the day, I will feel I have had a day well spent? Before I lay my head down upon my pillow tonight, what can I do to make these hours memorable?

The old saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" is somewhat true.

I am a goal-oriented person. My deadlines while working at newspapers for 25 years was perfect for me. I had a plan for each day; deadlines to meet; meetings to meet; places to go, things to do, people to see!

Now, in retirement, at the end of the day there are times when I wonder just where the day went? I've accomplished nothing; just a day of filling the hours. Life is more than entertaining myself.
Shall I make some New Years resolutions? No; those are usually pipe dreams with no plan.

After much thought about the possibility of returning to college, I have a plan; for starters, I'll drag out my transcripts from American River Junior College. I graduated with an AA in Business in 1999. I'd spent my school years majoring in "recess" that included theatre and music. (Girls just wanna have FUN!)

I had "toyed" with the idea of completing my degree for years. I come from a well-educated family (some were over-educated fools). Monday, I will meet with a professor at Sacramento State University to go over the mechanics of enrolling.

Will I have the energy to do this? Can I possibly "challenge" some of the classes? Will all my units from ARC transfer? Can I take some of the classes on Zoom, so I don't have to fight for a parking place on campus? Can I afford it?

Trying to anticipate failure isn't helping. I've decided to look upon this as a grand adventure, a test of ingenuity and capability. If I don't face myself with a challenge, what will this year be like?

Stay tuned. I'm going to find out what I'm made of. I've always had a part of me that is made of Silly Putty, a part that is purpose, and a part that NEEDS a challenge.

So many times, I've gone where no other woman has gone before. Why stop now?!

~ Anita Duncan Adams


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