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  Gasoline Prices
Dr. Jerry Rogan has been consulting about Medicare and medical care delivery for a variety of companies beginning 2003, having served over 100 clients, some for a short term need and some over several years.



For you who bemoan the higher price of gasoline, I recommend we each mitigate its high cost by driving less; using an electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid; treating the speed limit as a limit, not a recommendation; and ride, walk, or use public transportation more often.

By doing so you will reduce your risk of a car crash, reduce your stress of driving, lengthen the life of your vehicle, and exercise more.

We are fighting a proxy war with Russia, which has caused our cost for gasoline and food to increase.

This is the price we pay for freedom. It is a bargain price for us, compared to our cost in money and lives to fight in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

Let's do all we can to support the Ukrainians.

~ Gerald N. Rogan

















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