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The Medical Pokey Pokey

Jean Rosenfeld is a psychotherapist in Carmichael. Family, friends, nature and art are her passions. Her cartoon book, Therapy Cracks Me Upis on Amazon.





(to the tune of the Hokey Pokey)
They put an endoscope here
They put a stethoscope there
They put electrodes here
And you wear a paper gown.
They do the pokey pokey
And they turn you inside out.
That's what it's all about.
They use an MRI here
They use a CAT Scan over there
They do a sonogram where?
And they scan you all around.
They do the pokey pokey
And they turn you inside out.
That's what it's all about.
You put your hearing aids in
They take your cataracts out
They put an implant in
And duct tape all around.
They do the pokey pokey
And turn you inside out
Is that what it's all about? 

~ Jean Rosenfeld






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