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  My Yard
Al Zagofsky, publisher
Illustration by José Luis Rodríguez Arellano

Now that we are several weeks into stay-at-home, I can't tell you how much I enjoy my backyard.

We now have 16 fruit trees, several berries, lots of flowers, an herb garden bed, succulents and a shade tree. I even have a small fountain and can nap besides its cascading waters in either a lounge chair, a sky chair, or a hammock.

And then again, we have six rose bushes—two of which, a red and a white, are raised.

So far this year we harvested: Mandarins, snow peas, cauliflower, spinach, chard, strawberries, blackberries, lemons, oranges, collards and lettuce.


And coming soon are apricots, plums, plueries, figs and nectarines. A little later, we should be getting tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, pomegranates and pears. Our lime tree and two grapefruits are still too young to bear.

It's a good time of year—sometimes a little hot, sometimes a little cool—but there's usually some time during the day when it's perfect for eating outside.

Hope you can find something to enjoy during these stay-at-home days.

~ Al Zagofsky







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